Event Listings

Whats on and where in Devon

Find out what’s on in your area

There are so many exciting events, festivals, shows, clubs and classes happening in Devon, but how can you find out what’s on and where?

We’ve created One Event, our dedicated event listing website that showcases the best of what’s happening in and around Devon, so that you can find out what’s on in your area in one easy to use place. Using categories and filters you can easily look for the events that you’re most interested in and get all the information you need before you go.


Submit your event

Event organisers can submit their event listings free of charge! No cost, no catch. All events submitted to the One Event site are also submitted for insertion in the One Magazine, space permitting, giving you extra publicity for your event, class or club.

If you’re an event organiser and want to get your event noticed or if you just want to see what’s happening this weekend, One Event is your hub for what’s on and where in Devon.

Find out whats on near you

Whats on in your area

Our dedicated event listing website that showcases the best of what’s happening in and around Devon, so that you can find out what’s on in your area in one easy to use place.

Detailed Event Listings

Using simple categories and filters you can easily look for the events big and small that you’re most interested in and get all the information you need before you go to the event.

Publish your event

All events submitted to the One Event site are also submitted for insertion in the One Magazine, space permitting, giving you extra publicity for your event, class or club.


one media

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